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发布时间:2020-11-27 14:52:56

『壹』 重阳节表演剧本

重阳节的传说剧本英文如下旁白(Aside): Good morning everyone, today we will tell you a story about the origin of Chong Yang Festival.
旁白(Aside): Long long ago, there was studious boy named Huan Jing. His families and him abided by the law and behaved themselves, and lived happily. However, a Plague Devil came to the Ru River in July, where His families and him lived.瘟魔(Plague Devil): I am Plague Devil, and bring plague to the world is my great joy. Hahah…旁白(Aside): Unfortunately, Huan Jing’s father and mother were killed by the Plague Devil.桓景(Huan Jing): Wu Wu Wu, my parents were dead. I will revenge my parents.Act 2
旁白(Aside): Huan Jing had heard that there was a immortal on the Zhong Nan Mountain named Fei Zhang Fang who was good at sorcery which could wipe all kinds of devil. So Huan Jing wanted to go to the mountain and learn sorcery which could help him kill the Plague Devil. However, no matter how hard he try to look for Fei Zhang Fang, he couldn’n find him.
桓景(Huan Jing):Alas! I spent half year, going over hills and dales, but could not find the immortal Fei Zhangfang. Is my revenge doomed to difficulty by the heaven. Well! There is a small white pigeon falling on the ground. Er……… Let me have a look. (刚开始有点沮丧,有点悲壮,接着很惊讶,迟疑一下才决定去看看)
旁白(Aside): Originally, a small white pigeon was smashed by the stone,falling on the ground suffocatingly, emitting weak groan.
小白鸽:I was injured. Please help me. (声音微弱,疲惫不堪)
旁白(Aside):Huan Heng has the sympathy awfully. He holds the small white pigeon carefully and looks after it. Before long, the small white pigeon already can fly. It want to payback Huanheng`s benefaction.
小白鸽:Thank you for you care. Please tell me what can I do for you. (感恩的语气,诚心想报答)
桓景(Huan Jing):I am bothering how to find the immortal Fei Zhangfang. Do you know where is he. (好像出现了一线希望,喜从天降)小白鸽(Little white pigeon): I am just coming from Fei Zhangfang’s dwelling place. I can take you to there,follow me.
桓景(Huan Jing):Great,thanks a lot

『贰』 奈何桥上道奈何, 是非不渡忘川河。 三生石前无对错, 望乡台边会孟婆。这四句话的意思,谢谢、、、

原文:奈何桥上道奈何, 是非不渡忘川河。 三生石前无对错, 望乡台边会孟婆。


当你到了桥上, 就意味着人已经死了, 当人们死了, 一切都空无一人, 他们就叹息!

忘了川河是怎样的桥, 忘记了川河, 所有的对错生活都会分散, 遇见你是一种新的生活。三生一直站在桥边, 看着那些准备喝蒙巴汤的红尘, 转世的人, 不管是对是错, 都要转世。王祥边, 孟巴正手带着梦巴汤等着你。






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