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发布时间:2024-06-19 18:01:02

Ⅰ 鍔濆か姣嶄笉瑕佺粰瀛╁瓙澶澶у帇鍔涚殑鑻辫浣滄枃.涓嶅皯浜80璇



Every parent hopes that his son will become a dragon and his daughter will become a Phoenix. They have very high expectations for their children, but they don't know that too high expectations lead to children's emotional problems鈥 Sometimes love can be a kind of hurt.鈥


Many parents unknowingly in the contradiction of words and deeds so that children at a loss, can not find the direction, serious psychological deviation may occur, and even eventually lead to schizophrenia.


In fact, children also have emotions. High expectations will oppress children like a mountain and affect their physical and mental health. Appropriate pressure can make people progress. Too much pressure will only make children rebellious.


Ⅱ 鎴戠殑鐖舵瘝缁欐垜璁稿氬叧浜庡︿笟涓婄殑鍘嬪姏鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇

鎴戠殑鐖舵瘝缁欐垜璁稿氬叧浜庡︿笟涓婄殑鍘嬪姏锛岃嫳璇鏄锛歁y parents gave me a lot of pressure on my study.

parent 鑻盵ˈpeərənt] 缇嶽ˈperənt]
n. 鐖朵翰锛堟垨姣嶄翰锛; 鍏堣緢; 鏍规簮锛岃捣婧; 淇濇姢鑰;
[渚嬪彞]Children need their parents

pressure 鑻盵ˈpreʃə(r)] 缇嶽ˈprɛʃɚ]
n. 鍘嬪姏; 鍘嬶紙鍔涳級; 姘斿帇锛堟垨琛鍘嬶級锛堢殑缂╃暐褰㈠紡锛; 鍘嬶紙杩锛夋劅;
vi. 鏂藉姞鍘嬪姏; 杩浣; 浣匡紙鏈鸿埍绛夛級澧炲帇;
[渚嬪彞]She kicked at the door with her foot, and the pressure was enough to open it

study 鑻盵ˈstʌdi] 缇嶽ˈstʌdi]
n. 瀛︿範锛岀爺绌; 璇鹃; 涔︽埧; 缁撹;
vi. 鑰冭檻; 娌夋; 榛樻兂; 鍔鍔;
vt. 鎯冲嚭; 璇︾粏鍦版鏌; 鑳岃碉紙鍙拌瘝绛夛級; 涓衡﹁垂蹇冩;
[渚嬪彞]She gave up her studies to have Alexander.

Ⅲ 父母对我期望过高,总是给我很多压力,而一到考试时就发挥不好了,也总是挨父母的骂。英语怎么翻译

My parents expect too high for me, and they give much pressure on me.However,when it comes to the exam, I couldn't perform well, so I am always scolded by my parents.



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