导航:首页 > 子女父母 > 它开播多久了英语


发布时间:2024-08-17 03:53:57

1. 求英语翻译 今天一部叫小时代4的电影开播了 它讲述了四个年轻女孩的故事 她们互相喜欢 她们相处的非

A film called small age 4 launched today. It tells the story of four young girls. They like each other. They get along very well but they sometimes quarrel with each other to fight. Although they quarrel, but they will soon be reconciled. I like them. I like this movie. Before that I never saw the movie to the cinema. Because I think watching movies is too waste. However, I don't think so now. The main reason is, I don't like those movies, so I don't like spending money on them.



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