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发布时间:2024-07-26 02:43:04

⑴ 想知道一部美国的老电影的详情,大概讲的是一个画家(或者是小说家)与他画出来的女主角一起历险的故事

是这一部:Brenda Starr (1989)。国内电视台引进播出过。
Mike is a struggling artist who draws the 'Brenda Starr' strip for the papers. When Brenda comes to life in the strip and sees how unappreciated she is by Mike, she leaves the strip. To get her back, and keep his job, Mike draws himself into the strip. In her world, Brenda Starr is the Ace Reporter for the New York Flash. She is talented, fearless, smart and a very snappy dresser. The only competition she has is from the rival paper's top reporter Libby Lipscomb. Brenda heads to the Amazon jungle to find a scientist with a secret formula which will create cheap and powerful gas from ordinary water.



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