⑴ 90的英文到底是ninty还是ninety,为什么
⑵ 90岁到100岁的人用英语能一词表达吗
he is in his 90s.
没有,用词组in one' 90s
⑶ 在某人90岁时英语怎么说
At the age of 90 in someone
⑷ 90岁生日英语
如果是我的90岁就是my 90th birthday 如果是别人比如Lisa就是Lisa's 90th birthday
⑸ “我们党迎来了九十岁生日”这句话用英语怎么说“
there is the ninety's birthday of our Communist Party.
⑹ 我将照顾90岁的王奶奶到最后的英文
I will take care of the 90 - year - old grandma wang at the end。
⑺ 我奶奶活到九十岁英语怎么说
My grandmother lives to 90-year-old.
He is born in Beijing.
I'm watching TV, but the door bell ring.
They sing in the park.
⑻ 那位英语英明的告诉我:80岁的老人用英语说是“octogenarian“谁能告诉我100、90、70、60、50岁的呢
octogenarian指的就是80 90岁的老人
另外,小学生需要知道这种单词吗? 直接用年龄表达就好了啊
⑼ 90岁用英文说时yesr要不要加s
比如how old are u
直接回答 I am 90
如果非要加year 就是 I am 90years old
⑽ 八九十岁的老人 英语怎么表达
old people in their eighties or nineties.
in their eighties 是“八十到八十九岁”
nineties 是九十到九十九岁