導航:首頁 > 養老保險 > 在農村養老用英語怎麼說


發布時間:2023-09-12 05:43:13

A. 「養老」英語怎麼說

名詞解釋 :在目前廣大的農村地區,家庭養老、土地養老、社會保險養老三種模式是基本的養老保障方式,而社區養老模式則是一種新的嘗試。你知道怎麼用英語表達嗎?

Now the Hong Kong government, under pressure to provide subsidized care for almost 30,000 elderly people on the waiting list, is looking to neighboring Guangdong province to provide the space, and a partial solution, for its demographic problem.

"We're not forcing the elderly to go to Guangdong or the mainland to grow old," says Ng Hang-sau, chief executive of the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation. "This scheme just gives one more option to Hong Kong residents. If they choose to come to the mainland, they can get a place quite quickly. If not, they have to continue to be waiting."




文中的grow old就是“養老”的意思,其中grow作為系動詞,其後接形容詞作表語,而不接副詞,如:You will grow wiser by experience.(你有了經驗就會更聰明些。)

老齡化(aging)已成為一個全球化的問題,多元化的(diversified)養老模式勢在必行,如:居家養老(home care)、社區養老(community care)和以房養老(the housing endowment)等。

B. 養老 英語怎麼說

provide for the aged
enjoy a life in retirement
to live a retired life

The place is suitable for live a retired life

This job is very leisure,as enjoy a life in retirement



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