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發布時間:2024-06-14 10:45:07

㈠ 老師在60歲的時候應該被退休嗎,英語作文

In China, there is law to set the specific retiring age for women and men.
Female can retire at the age of 55; while male have to be 60. Aim at this
phenomenon, now there is a hot discussion about this age problem. Many people
think this age is not scientific, and the government should issue new policy to
give more chance to the new generation. As far as I am concerned, it would be
better if the retiring age can be more flexible.


On the one hand, as different people will be different in health situation,
work stress, work age, so everybody needs their own suitable retiring age. For
example, some people are in good health, so they can work for a long time even
do some labor work, while for those whose health situation is not good may be
difficult to work so long. Other situations also have the similar reason. If the
government can carry out some flexible retiring age, they can get rid of the job
not suitable for them quickly. Otherwise, some people work for their whole life,
but couldn』t enjoy their life for a long time. On the other hand, if the old
generation doesn』t retire, the new generation couldn』t have the opportunity to
walk into their working position. It is not good for the development of a


In conclusion, it would be better if retiring age could be more flexible
based on different people. It is not only good for people, but also the whole


㈡ 在線等寫一篇英語作文 不要翻譯軟體和網上預測卷原文 純手工自己寫

範文:Should Retirement Age Be Postponed?

Based on a recent survey on the Internet, a majority of indivials admit
that aging society will bring a variety of problems to their life. Along with
the trend of longevity, it has become a trend for people to debate whether it is
wise to postpone retirement age.

Some people favor postponing the retirement age. In their eyes, it is this
policy that enables the aging society to build up enough work-force. As a matter
of fact, people in mounting numbers have come to realize this problem in an
aging society. Even so, others hold a different view that postponing retirement
age carries some risks. This policy can bring old people stress, but cannot
arouse their enthusiasm for work, and cannot help them to enjoy their retirement

I am convinced that we should balance old people』 interest and this aging
society. Thus, if those seniors have enthusiasm for work, we should ecate,
advocate and encourage them to work and perform their tasks. If we try our
utmost to do so, the future of old people』 life will be promising, hopeful and


㈢ 近年來,推遲退休年齡引發人們熱議用英語怎麼說

Delaying retirement age becomes a heated topic in recent years.

㈣ 英語作文Should We Postpone Retirement













Recently, Human Resources and Social Security Social Security He Ping, director of the Institute for the outside world, said: "The relevant departments are brewing when the time is ripe to extend the statutory retirement age, the possibility of women workers from the beginning of 2010, men from the beginning of 2015, to take 'Small step' to every 3-year-old 1-year delay, the statutory retirement age will graally be raised to 65 years old. "

Because it has a bearing on their vital interests will be at the same time pushing the retirement age for men and women to 65-year-old proposal attracted a lot of friends. Deferred retirement What does it mean for us? The financial crisis at the moment, a lot of people's pension money has been "locked." Double attack, we risk the old-age how to resolve?

The majority of users who postponed retirement worries attitude

Sohu in the financial community, a lot of friends on the men and women to postpone the retirement age to 65-year-old proposal, said his concern, "the old-age insurance to pay more" and "to defer the retirement age, life expectancy has also long, the collar is not less ? "Some friends said," is not worthwhile to pay social security, "decided" not to do Social Security first, wait and see. "

There are also a fraction of the users on the understanding that the proposal "to postpone retirement can not solve the dilemma of the old rich first" and "can ease the social security account the high rate of air pressure," and "good for future generations."

To postpone the retirement age of retirement affect the geometry?

If the postponement of the statutory retirement age, our retirement will be what impact it?

Experts said that most of the visual effects: workers access to the statutory pension will be changed later, but will receive a total of more change.

In 2006, China made a pensions account of the new approach. The new approach to the biggest change is no longer receive the pension "across the board," but with the number of years is closely related to payment, pay longer receive the higher of the total.

And old-age pensions are paid on a monthly basis, to pay for the standard personal pension account balance divided by the total number of months made. Total fat based on the number of months to determine the time of retirement, the greater the age, total fat, the smaller the number of months, the more revenue.

But this is only visual. To postpone retirement, to pay the pensions is bound to increase, and to postpone the retirement age, deferred period of time, can not but consider the inflation factor, the actual earnings fight a discount.

In addition, there are a number of early retirement will of the people, to postpone the mandatory retirement age for them is the same as a major blow. They will retire after a longer period of time not have access to the national pension, can only rely on their accumulated retirement pension to maintain the expenditure.

㈤ 求大神寫一篇大學英語作文

My View on Delaying Retirement Age
Recently,the policy of delaying retirement age has stirred up a huge uproar,drawing attention from all sectors of the community.
Indeed,whether to delay retirement or not is closely related to everyone's vital interests.Because in China,with a average life expectancy of 75,this policy mean you might probably not have the chance to get back old-age insurance premiums you have paid when you are young,not to mention interest.What a trap!
Look at the policies they have made:"One-child policy is good,you will get a pension for free when you are old" was once their slogan,so we obeyed,then they said," birth control limits are good,government will help you when you are old",lies went on.Today,finally,they blow their cover of hypocracy,not only force us to pay for that,but eat out our money.They are bloodsucking parasites.
They say it's a major policy decision of our country,but whom does this country really belong to?civil servants?I can't imagine in a domestic country,a policy can be carried out without the permission of most of its population.
So,we are just slaves,I don't deserve to have any view on any policy in this bullshit country.



㈥ 鎺ㄨ繜閫浼戠殑鑻辮浣滄枃


Postponement of statutory retirement age

At present, delaying the retirement age is a hot topic. Whether to postpone retirement is related to everyone's vital interests,

which is also a major policy decision of our country: we will set a grace period of several years to graally promote the postponement of retirement. Some people agree with this decision, but more people do not agree.

In my opinion, there is a big difference between these two attitudes. We should divide this view into two categories Two sides:

on the one hand, in our country, the majority of workers account for the majority, so most people do not agree that it is reasonable to postpone retirement. Some workers have worked hard all their lives without rest.

They have no legal holidays, and they have to work every day. They think it is unreasonable and unfair to postpone the retirement age.

What they want most is to retire early because they are not good Because of their limited working ability, they may not have a healthy body when they grow up, and some jobs do not need the elderly.

These jobs have higher requirements on their age and physical conditions. They think it is not suitable for them to continue to work because they can not make more contributions to their work.

On the other hand, for talents with higher ecation, they should postpone their retirement To prevent the waste of talent resources in China, the average age of DRS is relative to those who start to work.

Their working life is short, and many jobs of different natures should not be retired at the same time as Dr. they are talents, they are highly skilled, they have high vocational qualifications, and their retirement is not only beneficial to the country,

but also to give full play to their intelce and wisdom From the situation discussed above, delaying the retirement age is the trend of the times. We need to look at this issue from the perspective of different workers.

There are two aspects and two different voices. This major decision needs to be improved.



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