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發布時間:2024-09-22 19:24:19

㈠ 求父母要求過高的英語作文 漫畫:一對父母拿著一條長長的繩子高舉頭上,對他們的寶寶說:「寶寶快跳!」

My View on High Expectations from Parents There's such an interesting cartoon. The parents are holding two ends of a rope high above their head.They a...nxiously urge their kid " Honey, jump over it . Be quick!" This cartoon shows something quite meaningful and serious. In today's China, there are too many parents who have high expectations on their kids and are willing to do everything possible as long as their kids have bright future. What pathetic parents ! Facing fierce competition in the future, no wonder our parents are very much concerned about us. They lay great hope on us and want us to be strong enough to face vavious challenges. We fully understand and respect their feelings. However, if the expectations are high beyond our ability , it is a kind of heavy pressure on us. We will feel hard to breathe and are easy to be frustrated when we feel that we are unable to meet their requirements. As a result, it will have negative effect on our study and life. It is harmful to our healthy development. I would like to say to all parents that we are sure to do our utmost and not to let you down through hard working. Please don't give us too much pressure and make us relaxed. We need your encouragement constantly so that we will have more confidence to do things better. 「望子成龍,望女成鳳」是每個家長對孩子的期望,我們又何嘗不想成龍成鳳呢?不過,請不要給孩子過重的心理壓力,那樣等於拔苗助長,會適得其反的。 今天,我在一本書上看到這樣一幅漫畫:一對父母將一根跳竿舉過自己的頭頂,聲嘶力竭地催促高不過父母腰部的寶貝兒子跳過去。那可不是一根普通的跳竿啊!它代表著「父母的要求」。別看跳竿又細又短,它裡麵包羅的東西可我了:有寫不完的作業,讀不完的書,練不完的字……把畫中的寶寶壓得喘不過氣來。寶寶仰望著高不可越的跳竿多想喊一句:「爸爸、媽媽,我真的好累啊!」 現在,隨著升學壓力不斷增大,家長對孩子的期望值也越來越大,孩子的負擔越來越重。記得以前國家要求對學生減負,老師布置的家庭作業的確少了很多。可家長的作業卻又成為了孩子的負擔。有些家長見孩子作業做得快,就再加上些內容,總希望自己的孩子多學知識。 家長對我們的關心,我們完全理解,但我們的確無法承受這超級重壓。我們希望家長能有一顆平常心,不要給我們壓力,讓我們在寬松的環境里快樂地學習,健康地成長吧!



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