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發布時間:2024-09-11 20:54:55

『壹』 用過去式寫一篇去敬老院的英文作文

My Summer time work at an Old Folks' Home
Since summer I have volunteered at an old folk』s home because I saw how lonely some of the residents were. I volunteered two days a week ring the summer, which I have continued. I have learned many things about nursing homes.

During my volunteer time at the old folks』 home, I have taken old folks for walk and read them letters from their children. We also have birthday parties and exercise days.

I have had many good experiences volunteering at the old folks home. My volunteer experience has shown me that I can bring joy to older people. Everyone will have to face having parents and grandparents growing older and becoming dependent on their children. Dealing with this situation has made me a stronger and more caring person.

『貳』 我將要去敬老院當志願者的翻譯是:什麼意思

我將要去敬老院當志願者的翻譯是:I will go to the nursing home as a volunteer

『叄』 在敬老院 英語翻譯

at home for the aged

『肆』 在敬老院用英語怎麼說

在敬老院用英語表達——In homes for the aged


英 [həʊm] 美 [hoʊm]

n. 家;家庭;收容所;棲息地;發源地

adv. 在家;回家;在國內;回國;正中目標

adj. 家用的;國內的;總部的;(比賽)主場的

v. 提供住處;朝向

e lives a long way from home.


My home isn't very big, but very comfortable.




1、home的基本意思是「家,故鄉」,多指某人出生以及成長的環境或與某人一起居住的地方。在美國口語中, home可與house互換,即把「家」和「住宅」看成一體。home也可作「家庭,家鄉」解,這時其前不用冠詞。





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