導航:首頁 > 老年大學 > 你對老人家好嗎用英語怎麼寫


發布時間:2024-12-04 07:59:24

『壹』 「你善於與老人相處嗎」用英語怎麼說

答案是:Are you good with old people?七年下期書上有

『貳』 我們應該對老人友好譯成英語

We should be friendly to the old.

『叄』 我們應該對待老人的態度英語作文

It is estimated that by the year 2015,Chinawill have 150 million elderly. We should take an active attitude toward old people. They should not be regarded as burdens but part of the wealth of society. Having gone through all sorts of trials and tribulations in life, the elderly know better than the younger generation about the meaning of happiness and grief. Having stood up to the tests of life for many years, they have accumulated knowledge, wisdom and practical experience, which are indispensable to social development and human civilization. 「Respecting the old and caring for the young」 has been part of our fine tradition and valuable heritage. 據估計,到2015年中國的老人數量將會達到15億。我們應該對老人抱有積極的態度。他們不應該被看做事負擔而是社會財富的一部分。歷經生活的各種患難,老人們比年輕一代更懂得什麼是幸福和悲傷。經受住了多年生活的考驗,他們積累了知識、智慧和實踐經驗,這些是社會發展和人類文明必不可少的。尊老愛幼已經成為我們的優良傳統和寶貴遺產。



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