⑴ 關於僵屍的所有電影
1· 僵屍人 - Fido - (2006)2· 僵屍刑警/吸血刑警羅道烈 - Heubhyeol hyeongsa na do-yeol - (2006)Vampire Cop Ricky (International: English title) 3· 僵屍新娘/骷髏新娘 - Corpse Bride - (2005)Tim Burton's Corpse Bride (Singapore: English title) (USA) (complete title)4· 僵屍肖恩/杠上活死人/活死人情緣/活人生吃/笑死人凶間 - Shaun of the Dead - (2004)Shaun of the Dead (France) Tea-Time of the Dead (UK) (working title)5· 活死人黎明/僵屍的黎明/活死人凶間 - Dawn of the Dead - (2004)6· 一小時僵屍 - Corpses - (2004)7· 千屍屋/僵屍1000/死亡詛咒 - House of 1000 Corpses - (2003)8· 不滅僵屍 - Corpses Are Forever - (2003)9· 千年僵屍王/僵屍大時代 - The Era of Vampires - (2002)Tsui Hark's Vampire Hunters (Hong Kong: English title) (DVD title)10· 僵屍小孩國 - Children of the Living Dead - (2001)11· 吸血驚情/我和僵屍有個約會/吸血鬼的陰影 - Shadow of the Vampire - (2000)Burned to Light (USA) (working title)12· 驚情四百年/吸血疆屍驚情四百年/吸血驚情四百年/吸血驚情400年/吸血僵屍 - Dracula - (1992)Bram Stoker's Dracula (USA) (complete title)13· 新僵屍先生 - Xin jiang shi xian sheng - (1992)Chinese Vampire Story (USA) (DVD box title) Mr. Vampire 1992 Mr. Vampire 514· 僵屍至尊 - Jiang shi zun - (1991)Ultimate Vampire15· 僵屍福星仔 - Jiang shi fu xing zi - (1991)Vampire Kids16· 僵屍醫生 - Jiang shi yi sheng - (1991)Doctor Vampire17· 僵屍新娘 - Nightlife - (1990)18· 惡夜僵屍 - Night of the Living Dead - (1990)19· 音樂僵屍 - Yin yue jiang shi - (1990)The Musical Vampire20· 僵屍捉妖 - Jiang shi zhuo yao - (1988)Vampire Strikes Back21· 新紮僵屍追女仔 - My Best Friend Is a Vampire - (1988)I Was a Teenage Vampire Teenage Vampire (Philippines: English title) 22· 僵屍叔叔 - Jiang shi shu shu - (1988)Mr. Vampire 4 Mr. Vampire Saga Mr. Vampire Saga 423· 僵屍翻身 - Jiang shi fan sheng - (1987)Kung Fu Vampire Buster New Mr. Vampire24· 僵屍怕怕 - Jiang shi pa pa - (1986)Dragon vs. Vampire The Close Encounters of Vampire25· 僵屍少爺 - Jiang shi shao ye - (1986)Young Master Vampire26· 僵屍家族 - Jiang s 查看更多答案>>
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