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發布時間:2020-11-27 13:30:34

❶ 翻譯我很贊同獨生子女政策


❷ 獨生子女政策 翻譯成英語短語!!!!

one-child policy

❸ 翻譯:現在很多學生都是獨生子女,翻譯成英語

Many students nowadays are the only child in the family.

❹ 現在的孩子很多都是獨生子女 英文怎麼翻譯

現在的孩子很多都是獨生子女。 Most of today's children are the "only-child". 【其它例句】Today's university students, most of them are the "only-child" , who are more mentally frail. 當今的大學生,他們中的大多數都是「獨生子女」,更有精神虛弱。

❺ 英文翻譯關於獨生子女政策

This is called a one child policy law, the law provides that monogamy can only have one child (even Baotai exception), if you wish to a renewable, or your child would like to Chaozhao brother to the sister, husband and wife must be That they pay the price, that is fine. Promulgated by the state of this law is because the Chinese population now is too many, but also the traditional Chinese concept that children are more than good fortune, if not ban, it will bring a lot of trouble. Since this law introced after China's population growth trends decreased significantly, and even the emergence of some negative population growth, I believe that as long as each couple to comply with this legislation, will make China's population has been effectively controlled.

❻ 獨生子女用英語怎麼翻譯

the only child

❼ 獨生子女證的英文怎麼說

The Single Child Certificate.

❽ 「我們是獨生子女」用英語怎麼翻譯

We are the only child of our families.我是家裡獨生子女。child 用單數即可。

❾ 誰能幫我把獨生子女費用事宜翻譯成英文啊。。。。謝謝啊。

谷歌翻譯 哇哈哈

Shanghai child fees
Xinhua Shanghai, June 14 (Chou Yi) reporter learned from relevant departments in Shanghai on the 14th, the latest revision of the "Shanghai family planning incentive grants certain provisions of" the child parents incentive fee was raised from 2.5 yuan monthly to $ 30. Rewards in fee required to hold "one-child parents glorious Shanghai household registration permit citizens before the child reaches 16 years of age, can receive $ 30 per month. Employer paid by the employer; employer, paid by the domicile of the town (township) governments, neighborhood offices.



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