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發布時間:2020-11-27 12:00:04

1. 獨生子女的英文

only child
the only child in one's family 都有 獨生子女 的意思。具體的看上下文了。
singleton 也可以,不過就是獨生子的意思。

Parents who dote on their only child.

Only children are sometimes spoilt.

In New China, parents must pin all of their hopes on one child, and classrooms, not fields, are the future.

2. 非獨生子女如何翻譯成英文The only-child children

one couple with one child only
因為獨生子女的本意也不是描述孩子本身 而是一種家庭狀況

3. 英文翻譯關於獨生子女政策

This is called a one child policy law, the law provides that monogamy can only have one child (even Baotai exception), if you wish to a renewable, or your child would like to Chaozhao brother to the sister, husband and wife must be That they pay the price, that is fine. Promulgated by the state of this law is because the Chinese population now is too many, but also the traditional Chinese concept that children are more than good fortune, if not ban, it will bring a lot of trouble. Since this law introced after China's population growth trends decreased significantly, and even the emergence of some negative population growth, I believe that as long as each couple to comply with this legislation, will make China's population has been effectively controlled.

4. 急求一篇討論「獨生子女和非獨生子女」的英文作文。急急急!!!

Due to the family planning policy, many of the young generations in today's China are the only children of their families. Scholar and the media have long being expressing their concerns for the weakness and shortcomings of these "kings" and "princesses" in every family. Some even argue that, as the only child, these people are inevitably spoiled by their parents. As a result they are selfish, weak and arrogant, lacking perseverance and modesty.
However, demonizing these only children in families does no good; on the contrary, it endangers the society. first, it forms certain prejudice and the old generation tends to mistrust these young people. second, the only children themselves feel justified for certain personalities such as being inconsiderate, and rightful to behave in that way.
all in all, i think the difference between the only child and the non-only child is completely exaggerated. Actually this difference has been used by some unfriendly organizations and groups abroad to destabilize China's society. History has proved that the "lost generation" in USA in 1960s and 70s who cut classes, used drugs, ran away from home, made troubles and did nothing but rock & roll are now the mainstays of USA, making it a more and more powerful nation.
Then, why the only children are so different that they are totally separated from others and are viewed with colored spectacles? this, indeed, needs our reconsideration.

拼了老命了,hope it would be helpful

5. 求「非獨生子女」,英文翻譯

child with siblings

6. 英語書面表達《獨生子女和非獨生子女過去和現在的區別》

The difference between past and present for children with and without siblings

7. 求一篇獨生子女的利與弊的英語作文,要帶翻譯

Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over the issue that _____(作文題). In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in ______(作文題). Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly, ____(優點一). And secondly____(優點二)
Just as a popular saying goes, 「every coin has two sides,」 ______(作文議題)is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects. To begin with,______(缺點一). In addition,____(缺點二).
To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of _____(討論議題) into full play, and rece the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the ______(討論議題).

8. 幾乎所有中國的年輕人都是獨生子女.英文口語怎麼說

Almost all the young people in China are the only child in their family.或者說自:Almost all the young people in China are Children from One Child Families;獨生子女 [dú shēng zǐ nǚ] the only childonly son [daughter]the only child in one』s family獨生子女家庭child Family;Children from One Child Families;

9. 一篇關於獨生子女和非獨生子女區別的英語作文,一百五十詞左右

for the children,they are only children and non-only children,there are some differences between them.the only children in one's family who can get more care.however,they may feel alone.for non-only children.although they shall share care with each other from their parents.the

happiness of them is great.

10. 求獨生子女缺點的英文翻譯

Not for the one-child with brothers and sisters, and the lack of childhood small group of partners of the game, both difficult to cultivate people with the spirit of collaboration, and the lack of competitive, so social difference may be the formation of eccentric, the lack of enthusiasm for the personality tendencies .



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