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① 安德烈羅伊韋伯的50歲生日音樂會下載

最簡抄單的法子,狗狗上搜索「韋伯50歲生日慶祝演唱會」,有1.37G的avi格式的結果,可以下的,需要耐心,慢慢下。然後射手網上有相關字幕,放在一起就完美啦。 這種資源不是有很多人下,資源本身也少,哪裡速度都不快,還是耐心一點吧。 另外,如果你對韋伯的音樂劇感興趣的話,狗狗上還有《約瑟夫與夢幻綵衣》、《基督耶穌萬世巨星》《貓》的資源。他的新劇《真愛不死》的音頻也可以下得到。還有一張唱片是他60歲推出的,「60禮贊」,也很經典,淘寶有賣。

② 有誰知道「韋伯50歲生日慶祝演唱會」按順序演唱的演員姓名及演唱的曲目。重謝!


Tina Arena-Down the Wind微風輕哨
Michael Ball-Gethsemane客西馬尼,All I Ask You唯一的請求,Vaults of Heaven天堂之門,Love Changes Everything愛改變一切
Antonio Banderas-Oh What a Circus馬戲團, High Flying Adored展翅高飛,The Phantom of the Opera歌劇魅影
Boyzone-No Matter What無論如何
Sarah Brightman-Pie Jesu仁慈的耶酥, The Phantom of the Opera歌劇魅影, All I Ask You唯一的請求,The Music of the Night夜的樂章
Glenn Close-Once Upon A Time往事,With One Look驚鴻一瞥,As If We Never Said Goodbye 彷彿我們未曾說再見
Ben De'ath-Pie Jesu仁慈的耶酥
Julian Lloyd Webber-Inro and Variations I-IV 這個不會譯,應該是演奏曲吧
Marcus Lovett-Superstar超級明星,Once Upon A Time往事
Lottie Mayor-Whistle Down the Wind微風輕哨
Dennis O'Neill-Hosanna和撒那
Donny Osmond-Any Dream Will Do美夢成真,Close Every Door關閉每一扇門
Elaine Paige-Don't Cry for Me Argentina阿根廷別為我哭泣,Memory記憶
Ray Shell-There's Light at the End of the Tunnel要相信在隧道的盡頭會有曙光
Kiri Te Kanawa-The Heart is Slow to Learn回頭太難
Bonnie Tyler-Tyre Tracks and Broken Hearts 輪胎印和破碎的心

③ 跪求韋伯50歲生日慶祝演唱會上所有曲目的名稱和歌詞~~

Tina Arena-Down the Wind
Michael Ball-Gethsemane,All I Ask You,Vaults of Heaven,Love Changes Everything
Antonio Banderas-Oh What a Circus, High Flying Adored,The Phantom of the Opera
Boyzone-No Matter What
Sarah Brightman-Pie Jesu, The Phantom of the Opera, All I Ask You,The Music of the Night
Glenn Close-Once Upon A Time,With One Look,As If We Never Said Goodbye
Ben De'ath-Pie Jesu
Julian Lloyd Webber-Inro and Variations I-IV
Marcus Lovett-Superstar,Once Upon A Time
Lottie Mayor-Whistle Down the Wind
Dennis O'Neill-Hosanna
Donny Osmond-Any Dream Will Do,Close Every Door
Elaine Paige-Don't Cry for Me Argentina,Memory
Ray Shell-There's Light at the End of the Tunnel
Kiri Te Kanawa-The Heart is Slow to Learn
Bonnie Tyler-Tyre Tracks and Broken Hearts

④ 在韋伯50歲音樂會上怎麼會有boyzone這個組合

boyzone 可以說是男孩組合的元祖
westlife的經紀人就是boyzone 里的ronan keating

經典歌曲有No matter what
you need me
everyday i love you
baby can i hold you
picture of you
love me for a reason
後來為了ronan 的單飛解散了
Boyzone主唱之一Stephen Gately

⑤ 韋伯50歲生日慶祝演唱會接近尾聲一首由韋伯鋼琴彈奏黑衣女子演唱的歌曲叫什麼名字

歌名就是「Whistle down the wind"《風中的感嘆》,原版是莎拉布萊曼用美聲唱的,你說的是Pie Jesu唱的,也相當好聽。
自己翻譯的:Whistle Down the Wind 風中的嘆息
> >
> >
> >
> > Whistle Down the Wind 風中的嘆息
> > Let your voices carry 讓你的聲音延伸
> > Drown out all the rain 淹沒了細雨
> > Light a patch of darkness 點亮了片片黑暗
> > Treacherous and scary 無助而心悸
> >
> > How l love the stars 我那麽喜歡的星星
> > Whisper when you're sleepy 當你深眠時低語
> > I'll be there hold you 我將在此擁著你
> > I'll be there to stop 我將在此停留
> > The chills and all the weeping 寒冷而低泣
> >
> > Make it clear and strong 讓它清澈明亮
> > So the whole night long 如此漫漫長夜
> > Every signal that you send 你的每個聲音
> > Until the very end 不曾消失
> > I will not abandon you 我將不放棄你
> > my precious friend 我珍貴的朋友
> >
> > So try and stand the tide 所以我努力抵擋浪潮
> > Then you'll raise a banner 然後你將舉起旗幟
> > Send a flare up in the sky 點亮天空
> > Try to burn a torch 點燃火焰
> > And try to build a bonfire 熊熊燃燒
> >
> > Every signal that you send 你的每個聲音
> > Until the very end 不曾消失
> > I'm there 我在等待
> >
> > So whistle down the wind 風中的嘆息
> > For I have always been 我將永遠
> > Right there 在此等待


⑥ 在1998年韋伯50歲生日慶祝演唱會上,莎拉布萊曼為什麼那麼胖,,圓乎乎

  1. 《Whistle Down the Arena

  2. 2.Any Dream Will DoDonny Osmond + Kids Choir

  3. 3.Close Every DoorDonny Osmond + Kids Choir

  4. 4.Variations XXIJulian Lloyd Webber

  5. 5.Variations XXIIJulian Lloyd Webber

  6. 6.Requiem For Evitachoir

  7. 7.Oh! What A Circus!Antonio Banderas

  8. 8.High Flying AdoredAntonio Banderas

  9. 9.Don't Cry For Me ArgentinaElaine Paige

  10. 10.Light at the End of the TunnelRay Shell

  11. 11.HosannaDenis O'Neill/Sarah Brightman

  12. 12.Pie JesuSarah Brightman Ban De'Ath

  13. 13.Superstar - Title TrackMarcus Lovett

  14. 14.Gesthemane(I Only Want to Say)Michael Ball

  15. 15.PhantomOrchestra

  16. 16.The Phantom of the OperaSarah BrightmanAntonio Banderas

  17. 17.All I Ask of YouSarah BrighmanMichael Ball

  18. 18.The Music of the NightSarah Brightman

  19. 19.Tyre Tracks and Broken HeartsBonnie Tyler

  20. 20.No Matter WhatBoyzone

  21. 21.Vaults of HeavenMichael Ball

  22. 22.Sunset BoulevardGlenn Close

  23. 23.With One LookGlenn Close

  24. 24.As If We Never Said GoodbyeGlenn Close

  25. 25.Love Changes EverythingMichael Ball + Cast

  26. 26.MemoryElaine Paige

  27. 27.WebberAndrew Lloyd Webber

  28. 28.The Heart Is Slow to LearnKiri Te Kanawa

  29. 29.Happy Birthday to WebberCast

  30. 30.Whistle Down the WindLottie Mayor with ALW on piano

  31. 31.Jellicle BallOrchestra



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