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發布時間:2020-12-01 19:03:54

⑴ 壽命最長的昆蟲成蟲是什麼



What insect has the longest life span of them all? Well ,I know the life spans of most insects are shorter than ayear.
什麼昆蟲的壽命最長呢? 嗯,我知道大多數的昆蟲壽命都沒有一年。
This is in part because they』re cold-blooded and thus poorly equipped for winter. Some do live much longer,though, and my guess is that the periodic cicada holds the record.
這在某種程度上是因為它們是冷血動物,不能很好的適應冬季。 但是仍有一些動物活得比較久,我猜周期蟬能夠保持這個記錄。
They can live for a whopping seventeen years. And all but about two weeks of that time is spent in immaturityunder ground. When they finally do rise from under the ground, their alt lives are over before they』ve hardlybegun.
它們可以存活17年。 但是它們差不多有兩周的時間都處於地底下的不成熟狀態。 當它們終於從地底下爬出來的時候,它們的成年生活也差不多結束了。
At least one species of long-horned beetle beats out the cicada with its ability to survive in its larval form in deadwood for thirty-five to fifty years. But the insect with the longest life span, as far as we know, is the African mound-building termite queen.
有一種天牛科甲蟲擊敗了周期蟬,它們能夠以幼蟲的形態在枯木中生活35年到50年。 但是目前我們知道的壽命最長的昆蟲是非洲建造土堡的白蟻後。
These termites are known in part for the large mounds they build. They look something like haystacks, butmore solid, like stone. Inside the mounds lives a highly sophisticated society of insects.
這些白蟻以它們建造的大型土堡出名。 這些土堡看起來像乾草堆,但是它們如岩石一般牢固。 在這些土堡里居住著高度復雜的昆蟲社會。
You can possibly be telling me that this termite queen live longer than fifty years.can you? Try,sixtyyears.sixty?
你不會告訴我這些白蟻後能夠生存50多年吧? 是的,它們能夠生存60年。60年?
Some scientists think they may live even longer than that. One thing』s for sure, she』s not lying aroundwatching television all those long years. She』s laying eggs constantly, up to something like thirty-five thousand aday.
一些科學家認為它們可能活的更久。 不過有一件事是可以確定的,它們不會在這些年裡天天卧著看電視。 它會不停的產卵,一天能夠產35000個卵。

⑵ 無錫朝陽蔬菜批發市場有雲南長壽仁碗豆夾嗎


⑶ 長壽仁碗豆反季節種植




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